Sandie Kirk

HOPI EAR CANDLES - a traditional Native American therapy

How it works

A cylindrical candle with a hollow centre is lit and inserted into the ear (flame end out!). The candles are made of beeswax, honey, sage, chamomile, and St Johns Wort. The heat and smoke combine to cause a chimney effect, which combined with the aromatherapy, cleanses the ear and regulates pressure in the inner ear.

Conditions Helped

Excessive earwax (a natural and painless alternative to syringing); headaches; migraines; snoring; sinusitis; rhinitis; tinnitus; glue ear; hyperactivity in children.

A Typical Session

When you arrive, we will discuss your symptoms and I will explain how the candles may be able to help you. Then you lie on one side and I insert the first candle into your ear. Your skin and hair are covered, so as to protect you. The treatment is totally safe and painless and very relaxing. As the candle is burning, you will hear a crackling sound, which is quite soothing.

When the candle has burnt down to its built-in filter, I extinguish it and you turn over and the procedure is repeated in the other ear. Then you lie on your back and I will give you a face massage while the candles are cooling.

After the massage is complete, we unwrap the candles to see what residue is inside them. The amount and quality of the wax and residue in the candle will give us an indication of how well the treatment has worked and if and when you should come back for further treatment.

The whole treatment lasts approximately 45 minutes and costs £50.

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